Fiqh of Fasting: Prohibited on a Woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleeding

2. Prohibited on a woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleeding
The Prophet (sall Allâhu’ alayhi wa sallam) himself mentioned that the women with post-partum and menstrual bleeding are not allowed to fast and even if they do their fast is not accepted. And many of the scholars of Islaam have said that one who is fasting and finds out that she is menstruating then it is obligatory upon her to break her fast. And this was said by Ibn Qudaamah (d. 620 AH) as well in his al-Mughni (4/397), “If a menstruating woman intends to fast and refrains from eating and drinking even though she is aware that this is haraam, she is sinning and that will not avail her anything.” So when one finds that she is menstruating anytime during the day before iftaar, then it is obligatory upon her to break that fast and make it up when she is not menstruating. It does not matter whether it is a few seconds or few minutes before iftaar or earlier in the day, the same ruling applies.

Related Posts:
Chapter 1: Fasting in Ramadhaan

Chapter 2: Conditions in which breaking fast is Permissible, Impermissible, or Recommended
1. Impermissible to break fast during Ramadhan
2. Prohibited to fast for a woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleedin
3. Obligatory to break it when it is required to save a person’s life
4. Recommended to break fast for one who is ill and fears harm from fasting.
5. Recommended to break fast when one is traveling
6. Permissible for one to break fast who begins a journey while fasting
7. Permissible for a pregnant or nursing (breast feeding) woman
8. Change of condition of a person doesn’t obligate one to refrain from eating and drinking the rest of the day.
9. Prohibited to fast a voluntary fast instead of an obligatory one.

Chapter 3: That which Invalidates Your Fast
Chapter 4: Repayment of Missed or Broken Fasts
Chapter 5: Recommended, Disliked, and Impermissible Days of Fasting

(Chapter 4 & 5 – Insha’Allah comming soon around Eid al Fitr)

7 Responses to “Fiqh of Fasting: Prohibited on a Woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleeding”

  1. 1 HijabMan September 11, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa bakatuhu

    I welcome you to contact me, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.

    May you find peace in this life and the next, God willing

  2. 2 Muhammad lawan Gana July 12, 2007 at 5:24 pm

    Assalam Alaykum,

    I have a question regarding the expetion of fasting post menses/post partum. Is it permissible for a woman who is young, healthy to feed needy instead of fasting when making up for lost days?


  3. 3 salam September 14, 2009 at 10:01 am

    Assalamu Alaikum,
    I know that you cannot fast while on your period but I was wondering if you get a small amount of leftover blood after the period is over does that break your fast also?
    Please let me know.

  4. 4 Tajudeen Oyeniyi August 23, 2011 at 4:02 pm

    Which Hadith or any other Fatwa can be referenced on “Prohibited on a Woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleeding

  5. 5 Ayesha Masood April 22, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    To everyone here, there is no hadith or quranic ayah that stipulates that Muslim women should not fast (and must break it) if menstruating. The only condition might be a rukhsa (grant of leave) because Allah permits one to leave fast if ill, and Allah refers to menses as illness. It is voluntary not binding. It is one’s choice to keep fast or not.

  1. 1 Fiqh of Fasting: Chapter 2: Permissions and Prohibitions « IBN AL HYDERABADEE Trackback on September 14, 2006 at 7:08 pm
  2. 2 Trackback on February 7, 2017 at 6:56 am

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Fiqh As Sawm

Islamic Rulings Surrounding Ramadhan and Fasting. Based on “Manar As Sabeel Fi Sharh Ad Daleel” Of Shaykh Ibraheem ibn Duwaiyan (d. 1353 AH) as explained by Br. Salim Morgan. Transcribed and Edited By Ibn Al Hyderabadee

Prologue Introduction

Chapter 1: Fasting in Ramadhaan
1. A pillar of Islam 2. Obligation of Fasting 3. Sighting of the Moon for start of Ramadhaan 4. One reliable witness' presence is sufficient 5. Conditions that make Ramadhan Obligatory for an Individual 6. Expiation for the inability to fast due to age or illness 7. Requirements of a valid fast 8. Obligations to fulfill during fasting 9. Recommended acts of fasting

Chapter 2: Permissions and Prohibitions

1. Impermissible to break fast during Ramadhan 2. Prohibited to fast for a woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleedin 3. Obligatory to break it when it is required to save a person’s life 4. Recommended to break fast for one who is ill and fears harm from fasting. 5. Recommended to break fast when one is traveling 6. Permissible for one to break fast who begins a journey while fasting 7. Permissible for a pregnant or nursing (breast feeding) woman 8. Change of condition of a person doesn’t obligate one to refrain from eating and drinking the rest of the day. 9. Prohibited to fast a voluntary fast instead of an obligatory one.

Chapter 3: That which Invalidates Your Fast

1. Intentional Intake of anything into the abdomen 2. Intention to break fast 3. Fluctuating Intention to fast 4. Vomiting intentionally 5. Menstruation or Post Partum Bleeding 6. Masturbation 7. Marital Relations 8. Cupping for both parties 9. Death 10. Apostasy 11. Above are Exempted in some cases

Chapter 4: Repayment
1. Missing a day of fast in Ramadhan
2. When does one make up a missed fast
3. If missed fast are not made up until few dats before next Ramadhan
4. Missed fasts first or voluntary?

Chapter 5: Recommended, Disliked, and Impermissible Days of Fasting
1. Recommended Every Other Day Sawn Dawood
2. The three white days of every Islamic month
3. Six days of Shawwaal
4. Month of Muharram and the 10th
5. Ten days of Dhil Hijja and that of Arafat
6. Disliking of the month of Rajab
7. Disliking of the day of Friday
8. Disliking of the 30th of Shabaan
9. Impermissibility of fasting on the two Eids
10. Completing of a voluntary fast is not Wajib
