Archive for the 'Arees' Category

Imam Isam Rajab on PBS

asSalaam ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah,


I got this email that Amad referred to here about Shaykh Isam Rajab coming on ‘The Connection‘ on PBS – KUHT. I happened to check my mail last night at around 8:15 PM and realized it was on now. So I ran to the TV told me brother to turn off his game and turn to Channel 8 and called for my entire family to watch Shaykh Isam on PBS. My mom came down real quick and she was hooked to the TV. It was a nice show alhamdulillah, couldn’t catch the entire show because I had to leave to go to Family Night at Mission Bend, but took pictures of Shaykh Isam on TV. The show itself was about the concept of “Good and Evil” in different religions and philosophy, as there was a professor of philosophy present there as well, along with a Jewish Rabbi and Christian Priest. Shaykh Isam is an awesome guy masha’Allah, and I love him for the sake of Allah. The pictures aren’t that clear because I was snapping pictures of the TV with the camera on my phone.



AREES presents Arabic, Tafseer, and Asma wasSifaat Courses by Hanaa Gamal and Waleed Basyouni

asSalaam ‘alaykum wa Rahamtullah,

Seems like Houston, Texas is going to be a very very busy city this year insha’Allah. Just in the following few months I can already think of like a dozen events happening. (I can’t hold it in – Shaykh Salah asSawy is comming!). AREES Institute, directed by Shaykh Isam Rajab, has definitely become very active in organizing some very good islamic knowledge classes in Houston. They have a very academic method of teaching and it seems like it is much more hard work than say a course by the alMaghrib Institute. There are 6 or 8 classes a semester plus there is a 70 page research paper due every year, definitley not for the average Muslim. AREES is more for someone who has much more dedication and much more time they can devote for ‘ilm in my opinion, which is definitely a good thing. Also not to forget that the program started about a year ago and the first graduating class is insha’Allah in two more years (2009 I think?). The first two classes of the semester for open enrollment (even non-AREES students and enroll for these courses) are “Arabic Level I” for beginners and “Tafseer:Qur’anic Interpretation“, both taught by Professor/Shaykha Hanaa Gamal:

Click on Images to view full flyer.

Arabic Level 1 Hana Gamal Tafseer Quran Arees Hanaa Gamal

Enroll for Both Courses Now!!

There is another surprise from AREES Institute this semester alhamdulillah, which is the class on “Allah’s Most Beautiful Names and Loft Attributes” taught by Shaykh Waleed Basyouni. I can’t say too much about Sr. Hanaa Gamal because I have never taken any of her classes (mainly because she lectures mostly to a female audience). If you don’t know Shaykh Waleed, you are missing out, and if you havent taken a class with Shaykh Waleed, well you are missing out even more. I took this one awesome class with Shaykh Waleed called “The Rope that Binds Us! – Part 1” (Part 2 should be taught anytime soon insha’Allah), which just blew me away alhamdulillah. I used to attend his Sahih alBukhari halaqas about a semester or more ago which was just ‘off the chain’, mainly because it covered Kitaab alFitan from Sahih alBukhari but it was also the way he taught the subject, masha’Allah. I strongly encourage others to enroll for these, as for me I have school for now at those times, but if I can change my schedule I might be attending some of them. Allahu ‘Alam.


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Fiqh As Sawm

Islamic Rulings Surrounding Ramadhan and Fasting. Based on “Manar As Sabeel Fi Sharh Ad Daleel” Of Shaykh Ibraheem ibn Duwaiyan (d. 1353 AH) as explained by Br. Salim Morgan. Transcribed and Edited By Ibn Al Hyderabadee

Prologue Introduction

Chapter 1: Fasting in Ramadhaan
1. A pillar of Islam 2. Obligation of Fasting 3. Sighting of the Moon for start of Ramadhaan 4. One reliable witness' presence is sufficient 5. Conditions that make Ramadhan Obligatory for an Individual 6. Expiation for the inability to fast due to age or illness 7. Requirements of a valid fast 8. Obligations to fulfill during fasting 9. Recommended acts of fasting

Chapter 2: Permissions and Prohibitions

1. Impermissible to break fast during Ramadhan 2. Prohibited to fast for a woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleedin 3. Obligatory to break it when it is required to save a person’s life 4. Recommended to break fast for one who is ill and fears harm from fasting. 5. Recommended to break fast when one is traveling 6. Permissible for one to break fast who begins a journey while fasting 7. Permissible for a pregnant or nursing (breast feeding) woman 8. Change of condition of a person doesn’t obligate one to refrain from eating and drinking the rest of the day. 9. Prohibited to fast a voluntary fast instead of an obligatory one.

Chapter 3: That which Invalidates Your Fast

1. Intentional Intake of anything into the abdomen 2. Intention to break fast 3. Fluctuating Intention to fast 4. Vomiting intentionally 5. Menstruation or Post Partum Bleeding 6. Masturbation 7. Marital Relations 8. Cupping for both parties 9. Death 10. Apostasy 11. Above are Exempted in some cases

Chapter 4: Repayment
1. Missing a day of fast in Ramadhan
2. When does one make up a missed fast
3. If missed fast are not made up until few dats before next Ramadhan
4. Missed fasts first or voluntary?

Chapter 5: Recommended, Disliked, and Impermissible Days of Fasting
1. Recommended Every Other Day Sawn Dawood
2. The three white days of every Islamic month
3. Six days of Shawwaal
4. Month of Muharram and the 10th
5. Ten days of Dhil Hijja and that of Arafat
6. Disliking of the month of Rajab
7. Disliking of the day of Friday
8. Disliking of the 30th of Shabaan
9. Impermissibility of fasting on the two Eids
10. Completing of a voluntary fast is not Wajib
