Dr. V. Abdur Rahim

Bismillah arRahman arRahim

I doubt there are any English-speaking Muslims that have pursued the path of learning Arabic(fus-ha) and have not heard of the “Madina Books” or it’s author Dr. V. Abdur Rahim. Yet, to my surprise, I had some difficulty trying to find any biographical information about the man behind the books. In my search I came across a few things which I might post later, but for now lets just stick with the biography. I tried finding his first name but haven’t found it yet, if anyone knows let me know, insha’Allah.

Dr. V. Abdur Rahim

V. Abdur Rahim was born in the small town of Vaniyambadi in the state of Tamil Nadu, India in 1933. After finishing his secondary school studies, he joined Presidency College, University of Madras where he majored in English Language and Literature. He graduated in 1957. In 1964, he joined al-Azhar University, Cairo, where he did his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Arabic Philology.

It is to be noted that Abdur Rahim learnt Arabic by himself. The school where he did his secondary school studies offered Arabic, but the lessons it offered consisted of only memorizing the conjugation tables. Abdur Rahim detested this method.  He thought that it was the most unnatural way of learning a language. Only dead languages like Latin, Syriac, etc. are taught this way. Living languages teach sentences straightaway. He decided to design a curriculum to teach Arabic to non-native speakers of Arabic.

In 1969, he joined the Islamic University of Madinah to teach Arabic Philology. Here, he was also associated with the Programme of teaching Arabic as a foreign language. The course he designed for this purpose is now known as Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyya ħ li-Ghair al-Nâtiqîna Bihâ. (Now these books are popularly known throughout the world as “MADINA BOOKS”.)

When he was learning Arabic by himself, Abdur Rahim studied the many problems that beset the non-native students of Arabic, and tried to solve them. He discovered that all these problems can easily be solved by applying the principle of taqdîm al- usûl ‘ala al-furû‘, i.e. teaching the primary elements before the secondary elements. The following are some of the manifestations of the application of this principle:

  1. Teaching the primary case-endings before the secondary endings, so you teach the  masrûf noun before the mamnû‘ min al-sarf, and the al-af‘âl al-arba‘aħ before the al-af‘âl al-khamsaħ.
  2. Teaching the sâlim verb before the other categories.
  3. Teaching the al-mudâri‘ al-marfû‘ before the al-mudâri‘ al-mansûb or al-mudâri‘ al-majzûm.
  4. Teaching the plural of intelligent nouns before that of non-intelligent nouns.

Another principle Abdur Rahim advocates is that rules of waqfshould not be applied during the teaching stage, for in that case the student cannot learn the correct ending of the last word in the sentence as, ma smu-ka and ma smu-ki, for example,  are both reduced to ma smu-k.

The following are the books Dr. Abdur Rahim has written in field of teaching Arabic as a foreign language:

  1. Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyyaħ (3 parts).
  2. Key To Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyyaħ (3 parts).
  3. Key To Exercises of Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyyaħ (3 parts).
  4. Teachers’ Guide To Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyyaħ (3 parts).
  5. A Glossary of Words used in Durûs al-Lughaħ al-‘Arabiyyaħ.
  6. Ahadith Sahlaħ.
  7. Nusûs min al-Hadîth al-Nabawyyi al-Sharîf.
  8. Nusûs Islâmiyyaħ.
  9. From Esfahan To Madinah.
  10. Al-Bâhith ‘an al-Haqq.
  11. Innahumâ min Mishkâħ Wahidaħ.
  12. Fi Balât Hiraql.
  13. Abshir bi-Khayri Yawm.
  14. Arba‘ûna Hadîthan.
  15. Al-Mus‘if fî Lughati wa I‘râbi Suraħi Yûsuf.

Currently, Dr V. Abdur Rahim is Director, Translation Centre, King Fahd Qur’an Printing Complex, Madinah Munawwarah.

Source: LQ Toronto (Learn Arabic through here, Awesome and Free!)

Imagine all the people that were abe to learn the Arabic Language through his works and through the courses designed by him at the Islamic University of Madinah. Almost all Madinah University graduates in the West went through this program and learned through these books. And the inumerable others that learned by studying these books. Insha’allah he will share in that reward of the good done by others because of this. May Allah preserve Dr. V. Abdur Rahim and have mercy on his family and all those dear to him and grant him the highest in Jannah!

32 Responses to “Dr. V. Abdur Rahim”

  1. 1 Thajudeen Mannani December 5, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    Dear Brother,
    I am Thajudeen Mannani From Kerala, doing Ph.D in Jawaharlal Nehru University. My Topic is “A Study of Contribution of Tamil Nadu Scholars to Arabic Studies in the 19th &20th Centuries”.

    So I collected information on this great scholar…
    now i wrote about him.
    also i want to write one article one Indian Arabic magazine also one malayalam magazine…..

    So You can Download one of my contribution from Scribd
    this is the site address

    just u can click and get it…
    pray for me…

  2. 2 askMuslims.com Volunteer December 14, 2009 at 12:58 am

    As Salaamu Aliakum,

    Alhumdulillah one of our volunteer finished all three books of his and can open the Holy Quran and understand it. May Allah reward Dr. V. Abdur Rahim and May Allah make it easy on brothers and sisters who are trying to learn Arabic.

  3. 3 Blackredsir December 23, 2009 at 1:51 am


    I am searching for book number 7 in the above list.

    Nusûs min al-Hadîth al-Nabawyyi al-Sharîf.

    Does anyone know where I can download it?

    I studied Arabic using Dr V. Abdur Rahim’s book.

    May Allah increase our imaan and taqwa..

  4. 5 Gasan Kriel May 9, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    I studied Arabic under Sh Abdur Rahim in the mid 1970,s at the Islamic University of Madinah. I found him not only a very humble person but also an exceptional teacher. At that time the course under dicussion was still in draft and experimental form as our lessons were still hand written and duplicated for us. I think his first name is Fu’ad if I’m not mistaken.

    I would very much like to see a picture of the Professor. If anybody could assist it would be highly appreciated!

  5. 7 muhammad waheed nadwi June 13, 2010 at 4:30 am

    Dears,I’m a Maldivian. I w’ld like to have e-mail address of brother Thajuddin Mannani from Kerala who is doing Ph.D at JNU in Delhi.

  6. 9 luqman August 31, 2010 at 8:37 am

    slmz i need to know wqhre i could find book 4 the teachers guide

    • 10 Aaishah December 10, 2011 at 2:16 pm

      Assalaamu “alaikum

      Please visit the link below which sells our Shaykh’s Teacher’s Guides.

      The Teacher’s Guides are also suitable for advanced students of Arabic as they contain advanced lexical and grammatical notes, corrections and explanations of grammar errors made by the common people, and many other benefits for purely students.

      I have these books (and I am not a teacher.) They are excellent.

      They are Arabic-only.

      You can buy the books from Islamic Foundation Trust’s new on-line bookstore . This link also displays an array of other books written by our Shaykh:



  7. 11 Zahid Aziz November 6, 2010 at 7:00 am

    Could I get e mail address of Dr. V. Abdur Rahim. I need to contact him by any means, telephone, fax ar address or e mail.

  8. 12 Aaishah al-Husayn January 29, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

    I would like to reply to some questions posted above.

    Before that, I wish to share some very good news:

    The respected Shaykh of Arabic, the renowned Scholar Dr. V. Abdur Rahim, has set up his own blog-site to teach Arabic.

    Currently, the Shaykh is teaching Arabic through:

    Arabic Poetry
    Grammar duruus.

    Please visit:


    The site also directs to where many of the Shaykh’s unique Arabic language books, Qur’aanic Arabic courses, and entire 2-year Arabic language syllabus for schools, colleges and universities, can be obtained absolutely free.

    Hope you share the good news with everyone.

    As for the Shaykh’s first name, then it is :

    Dr. Vaniyambadi Abdur Rahim

    (It seems the Shaykh has been given the name of the town in which he was born).

    The letter ” Faa ” is the transliteration of the letter ” V ” in Arabic. This is because there is no letter ” V ” in Arabic so they write ” F ” to represent it.

    Those who wish to contact the respected Shaykh can do so directly through his blog-site. The site accepts comments from visitors and the Shaykh receives a copy of the messages and comments. If needed, the Shaykh will reply to the comment through the administration of the site.

    In any case, comments will be responded to by his administration.

    May Allaah bless our Shaykh and preserve him.

    Allaah – subHaanahu – has given us a great bounty and mercy by placing this Shaykh in our midst to teach us non-Arabs and Arabs, the language of Qur’aan, and to do so with the depth, insight, knowledge that is SaHiiH (authentic) that is cgaracteristic of an ‘Alim (Schloar) and last but not least, to learn without fears and tears, wa l-Hamdu lillaah.

    Aaishah (England)

  9. 13 Aaishah al-Husayn January 29, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum Brother Gassen,

    You can see a picture of the Shaykh – rather live videos of the Shaykh – by playing one of the DVD videos where the Shaykh is personally teaching his excellent Qur’aanic Arabic Course named:

    “Selections From The Glorious Qur’aan – With Lexical and Grammatical Notes”

    (this is the post-graduate course for thoose who have completed the 3 Madinah Books”

    Please visit this link for the videos – you will also find the course (book and DVDs) are free , with kind permission of the Shaykh:


    I myself have not looked directly at the Shaykh’s face.

    But someone told me he has an extremely calm, and humble face and one that reflects great kindness.


  10. 14 Aaishah February 16, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum

    In addition to the great news conveyed above, the respected Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim has made himself available to answer questions on the sciences of Arabic from students and teachers on his web-site.

    We can also get study advice, learning stategies, etc from the Shaykh whose rich teaching experience of teaching Arabic as a foreign language for more than 50 years (as indicated on his new profile on the site), gives us the confidence and assurance of receiving the best advice inshaa Allaah, wa l-Hamdu lillaah.

    Brothers and Sisters, hope you seize the opportunity to learn directly under this great Arabic Scholar.


    • 15 Ahmad Fawzee August 14, 2011 at 1:30 am

      I know Dr V. A.Rahim very well. He was one of the lecturers at Islamic university of Medina. He was of a great help during his career to non arabic speaking students who came from different parts of the world especially to English speaking students. He taught at different levels. He was in the Department of Arabic Language, then in the Faculty of Arabic language where he taught “ilm Aswaat” Phonetics. I met him in 2004 or 2005 int the prophet Mosque. Hope He is still alive. May Allah bless him and grant him “Al Jannat ul Fidaus”

      Ahmad Fawzee

      • 16 Aaishah December 10, 2011 at 2:05 pm

        Assalaamu “alaikum

        Our Shaykh is still alive wa l-Hamdu lillaah.

        Let us keep praying to Allaah to protect and preserve our Shaykh.

        His rare and rich talents are needed by all non-Arabic speaking Muslims.

        Here is the Shaykh’s fuller profile and biography, from his new website.

        The Shaykh was formerly Porfessor of Arabic at Madinah Islamic University, then became the Director of the Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Madinah Islamic University.

        Did you know that the Shaykh is currently the Director of the Translation Centre, at the King Fahd Qur’aan Printing Complex in the city of Madinah Munawwarah? It is a renowned establishment serving the Ummah on an international scale.

        The Shaykh’s most up-to-date profile is at his new website here:



  11. 17 maan.diran September 22, 2011 at 4:33 am

    Thanks be to God for giving me the opportunity to learn Arabic. I was a teacher of the Malay language and history. I do not suppose that I was able to master Arabic. Today not only speak Arabic but I have to teach Arabic classes in Kota Baharu in Kelantan and New York City Selangor, Malaysia. I learn Arabic using the method introduced by Dr.V.Abdur Rahim. I learned Arabic from Ustaz Mohd Toha Abdullah, who came from the United States. Books that are in use is the Learning Arabic for people who do not speak the languages ​​Arabic “Al Lughotil Arabiatu li Durus Ghairi Natiqin Biha”. I pray that God will bless the efforts Dr.V.Abdur Rahim as useful knowledge in the world and the hereafter. I also pray that God grant health to the Dr. V. Abdur Rahim and Ustaz Mohd Toha and Wellbeing give life to both. Ameen.

  12. 18 maan.diran September 22, 2011 at 4:43 am

    Thanks be to God for giving me the opportunity to learn Arabic. I was a teacher of the Malay language and history. I do not suppose that I was able to master Arabic. Today not only speak Arabic but I have to teach Arabic classes in Kota Baharu in Kelantan and Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor, Malaysia. I learn Arabic using the method introduced by Dr.V.Abdur Rahim. I learned Arabic from Ustaz Mohd Toha Abdullah, who came from the United States. Books that are in use is the Learning Arabic for people who do not speak the languages ​​Arabic “Al Lughotil Arabiatu li Durus Ghairi Natiqin Biha”. I pray that God will bless the efforts Dr.V.Abdur Rahim as useful knowledge in the world and the hereafter. I also pray that God grant health to the Dr. V. Abdur Rahim and Ustaz Mohd Toha and Wellbeing give life to both. Ameen.

    • 19 Ahmad Fawzee December 12, 2011 at 3:00 pm

      Mr maan.diran
      I am Ahmad Fawzee from Mauritius. I studied in Islamic University in Madina and I know Dr V. Abdur Rahim very well.
      I had a classmate from Kota Baharu in Kelantan. we admitted in the same year and graduated from the Faculty of Arabic Language in the same year. I want to get in touch with him. Would you please help me to get in touch with him. His name is “FAWZEE AHMAD” My email address is
      My mobile number is (230) 7823013
      You can get on Face book and yahoo messenger.

      Ahmad Fawzee

  13. 20 Mohammed Zikriya December 10, 2011 at 7:35 am

    I am from Bangalore India, once i was looking through the net for learning arabic and came across the Madina Book Series and i am learning it, now i know Language Arabic is beautiful. Bro Asif video’s are excellent and Dr. Saab way of handling the non arabic speaker is excellent, let allah bless both of them. ameen

  14. 21 Mohammed Zikriya December 10, 2011 at 7:46 am

    In Bangalore where can i get the Cd’s and the books plz

    • 22 Aaishah December 10, 2011 at 2:32 pm

      Assalaamu “alaium

      You can also get many of the Shaykh’s books and CDs, free, from the Shaykh’s new website here:

      Please visit the section: ‘Library & Book Fair’ at:


      A new Qur’aanic Arabic Course has just been placed on the Shaykh’s site, and it is a free course, named:

      ‘Suurah al-Hujuraat With Lexical & Grammatical Notes.’

      It is a treasure of knowledge.

      You can also buy many of our Shaykh’s books from islamic Foundation Trust , Chennai, India – who publish the Shaykh’s books:


      The Shaykh’s books are in the Arabic, English & Urdu sections of the on-line store.

      May Allaah reward our Shaykh for his tireless efforts in teaching Muslims of all languages.


  15. 23 Mohammed Adnan April 23, 2012 at 9:55 pm


    I just wanted to now the history of Imam Zamin.

  16. 24 sk kamalhassan November 24, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    assalamualay kum sr. i want 3 parts of book how can i get ur writing book pulished by uk . i am in dubai i am not geting perfect book could u healp me ? asalamualaykum. ( learning arabik book1 2 3 for speking student)

  17. 25 sheikh Ayaz shahbaz January 29, 2013 at 11:33 am

    i am searching the madina book series by Dr v Abdur Rahim.I am impressed about madina series ,by just watching the lectures in youtube.I am enthusiastic to buy the series,for which i want to seek contact &adress.I would be highly indebted if contact details in india be emailed to me.Thanks

  18. 28 MOhammad SOhail January 9, 2015 at 4:55 am

    assalamu alaykum,

    i am Mohammad Sohail and just 2 days before i found Dr V Abdur rahim, moulana on Peace tv interview. and i searched on net. i want to contact him. i am a student of Islam… and i want to get it as much as i can. and i am a small dae of Islam also.
    if i want some books of Islam how can i get…
    pray for me and pray for Ummah..
    urs brother

  19. 30 محمد وحيد الندوي June 16, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    In the educational background of dr.v.abdur Fahmi you have written that he got “M.Phil” from al-Azhar university.I’m well known that there is know what is called “M.Phil” degree at all-Azhar..They only offer M.A. (الماجستير) and then P.Hd. (الدكتوراه)..It is called after 1961 درجة العالمية..
    I need the Email address of dr.v.Abdul Rahim for some inquiries.

  20. 31 arshad jamal March 2, 2018 at 11:19 am

    my self arshad jamal from delhi so i want to learn language of arabic so did you have any institute of arabic language in delhi plz tell me

  21. 32 Shaheed Salaam February 15, 2020 at 2:54 pm

    How can I get a copy of the handout for the Arabic classes

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Fiqh As Sawm

Islamic Rulings Surrounding Ramadhan and Fasting. Based on “Manar As Sabeel Fi Sharh Ad Daleel” Of Shaykh Ibraheem ibn Duwaiyan (d. 1353 AH) as explained by Br. Salim Morgan. Transcribed and Edited By Ibn Al Hyderabadee

Prologue Introduction

Chapter 1: Fasting in Ramadhaan
1. A pillar of Islam 2. Obligation of Fasting 3. Sighting of the Moon for start of Ramadhaan 4. One reliable witness' presence is sufficient 5. Conditions that make Ramadhan Obligatory for an Individual 6. Expiation for the inability to fast due to age or illness 7. Requirements of a valid fast 8. Obligations to fulfill during fasting 9. Recommended acts of fasting

Chapter 2: Permissions and Prohibitions

1. Impermissible to break fast during Ramadhan 2. Prohibited to fast for a woman in her menstrual or post-partum bleedin 3. Obligatory to break it when it is required to save a person’s life 4. Recommended to break fast for one who is ill and fears harm from fasting. 5. Recommended to break fast when one is traveling 6. Permissible for one to break fast who begins a journey while fasting 7. Permissible for a pregnant or nursing (breast feeding) woman 8. Change of condition of a person doesn’t obligate one to refrain from eating and drinking the rest of the day. 9. Prohibited to fast a voluntary fast instead of an obligatory one.

Chapter 3: That which Invalidates Your Fast

1. Intentional Intake of anything into the abdomen 2. Intention to break fast 3. Fluctuating Intention to fast 4. Vomiting intentionally 5. Menstruation or Post Partum Bleeding 6. Masturbation 7. Marital Relations 8. Cupping for both parties 9. Death 10. Apostasy 11. Above are Exempted in some cases

Chapter 4: Repayment
1. Missing a day of fast in Ramadhan
2. When does one make up a missed fast
3. If missed fast are not made up until few dats before next Ramadhan
4. Missed fasts first or voluntary?

Chapter 5: Recommended, Disliked, and Impermissible Days of Fasting
1. Recommended Every Other Day Sawn Dawood
2. The three white days of every Islamic month
3. Six days of Shawwaal
4. Month of Muharram and the 10th
5. Ten days of Dhil Hijja and that of Arafat
6. Disliking of the month of Rajab
7. Disliking of the day of Friday
8. Disliking of the 30th of Shabaan
9. Impermissibility of fasting on the two Eids
10. Completing of a voluntary fast is not Wajib
